Strive Body & Thrive
Hi! I'm Likeshia Outten
I'm the Founder of Strive Body & Thrive

I am a thankful wife of one and a grateful mother of two. I love God, I believe he is the healer and I am in awe of all the wonderful things he has created to nourish the body. My journey to health and wellness began one day after I received a call from my nurse informing me that my labs showed that I was in the pre-diabetic range. It was at this moment that I became determined to make a change. Over time, I went from being a faithful, fast-food junkie to a dedicated student of health and wellness to a Certified Functional Nutrition Coach. I am on a beautiful journey in creating health for myself and my family and I would love for you to come along. Together, we can make a difference in our lives and the lives of those around us.