You've made the decision to begin your health and wellness journey, now what? The plethora of advertisements and health trends presented to you on a daily basis offers you many flourishing paths to follow. Deciding which way to turn can drain your both your bank and your mental tank. Let me recharge you with 3 ways you can get started on your wellness journey FREE & NATURALLY!
Walking 15-45 minutes/day can help to:
promote stronger joints and bones
strengthen muscles, improve flexibility, balance and posture
increase energy levels
improve mental clarity, recall, problem solving and creativity
reduce anxiety and depression
reduce stress
improve Vitamin D levels (sun exposure)
support pain management
support weight management
support heart and lung function
support immune system
support digestive system
regulate blood sugars
balance hormones
manage conditions such as hypertension, type II diabetes, PCOS, and Alzheimer
Tips to Getting Your Steps In
Morning Walk: Before you begin your daily obligations, consider starting your day off with an early morning walk. You may need to set the alarm clock 30-minutes early to accomplish this. The boost in energy and mental clarity you'll later experience just may convince you to make this a daily habit.
Mid-Day Walk: Instead of chatting, texting and watching videos on your smartphone during lunch break, consider using a portion of your break for eating and the remaining time for a quick walk. Some recommend walking before eating as it can help prepare your body for digestion. Others recommend walking after eating as it can help to balance blood sugar levels. Choose what works best for you. Either way, there will be benefits awaiting you in the end.
Evening Walk: Evenings may be a more realistic time for you to get your steps in. However, if your schedule at home is just as hectic as it is at work, you may consider stopping by a nearby park or shopping mall to get your steps in prior to getting home. A peaceful evening walk can be a great opportunity to unwind from your workday.
Family Walk: Family walks are a great way for the entire family to move and stay active. It is also a time to conversate, connect and bond without costing you a dime. Some of the best things in life are free!
Out-and-About Walk: When you're out shopping or running errands, try to park farther away from the entrance as possible. Parking to the rear of the parking lot gives you an opportunity to get a few more steps in. Do this everywhere you go and watch those steps add up.
Vacation Walk: Don't take a vacation from walking while you're on vacation. Book a walking tour, walk on the beach, find a hiking trail or simply hop on the sidewalk and enjoy the new scenery.
Sponsored Walk: Consider participating in a community walk that is sponsored for a cause that you believe in. These walks may be longer than your norm but the good part is that your legs are free to travel at their own pace. Sponsored walks are a great way to show your support and interact with others while reaping the many physical and emotional benefits of maintaining an active lifestyle.
Sleeping 7-9 hours daily can help to:
restore, repair and rejuvenate the body
promote detoxification
improve mental clarity
increase energy
fight off viruses
regulate blood sugars
decrease inflammation
decrease risk of chronic illnesses
decrease anxiety and depression
reduce stress levels
improve hair and skin health
support weight management
Tips to Getting Better Sleep

Create a sleep schedule. Sleep schedules were not just created for newborns. They are beneficial for adults as well. The average adult needs 7-9 hours of sleep however this recommendation is not realistic to many. Not enough rest and too little sleep can make it difficult to concentrate, cause you to become more irritable, impatient, and less productive at work (along with many other things). If you get up at 6:00 a.m. each morning, make it your goal to get to bed between the hours of 9:00 pm -10:00 pm. Schedule your task, obligations, hobbies around your sleep time instead of the other way around. Creating a new sleep routine may be difficult for you in the beginning, but once your body gets accustomed to it, you'll be sleeping like a baby.
Avoid/reduce stimulants after lunch: Stimulants may interfere with sleep. It's best to avoid caffeine-containing substances such as coffee, non-herbal teas and chocolate as well as nicotine found in cigarettes.
Don't eat within 2 hours of bedtime: Having a full belly at bedtime interferes with sleepy quality.
Get to bed by 10 pm: Getting to bed early can help you catch up on ZZZs. Each hour slept before midnight is like sleeping 2 hours!
Cool and darken room: A dark, cool room is optimal for sleeping. The best temperature range for sleeping is 62 - 67 degree Fahrenheit.
No electronics in the bedroom: Electronics are stimulating and their light can negatively affect melatonin (sleepy time hormone) levels. Keep electronics such as televisions, computers, smartphones, gaming consoles and e-readers off in the bedroom.
Read before bed: Unwind with a book before bed rather than being over stimulated by electronics.
Can help in reducing:
tense muscles
anxiety and depression
appetite changes
blood pressure
heart disease
hormone imbalances
fertility issues
skin problems....
Tips to reducing chronic stress

Consume a balanced, nutrient-dense diet. When you fill your body with the nutrients it needs, it helps the body to function properly. Just like a plant needs soil, water and sunlight to grow, your body needs healthy fats, protein (amino acids) and fiber (carbohydrates) to thrive. Healthy fats can help the brain function more efficiently. Protein can help to stabilize your mood and energy levels. Carbohydrates are the body's main fuel source and helps to produce hormones. This is just a snippet of the many benefits of macronutrients and though it may sound strange, consuming a nutrient-dense diet can help improve your mental stability.
Take a nature walk. Spending time in nature activates the parasympathetic nervous system needed to feel calm and counters the sympathetic nervous system which activates fight or flight response associated with feelings of stress. Get out in nature when you can. It can be as simple as spending time in your backyard.
Read personal growth books. There's a saying, if you want to hide something, put it in a book. There is so much knowledge to be gained and reading books is a great way to obtain it. Along with gaining knowledge, the right books can expand your thinking, and can even help to relax your mind and body. Consider choosing material that promote personal growth or simply topics you are interested in learning more about. You can start right at your local library. Opening an account is usually FREE!
Practice Deep Breathing
Deep breathing can help release tension, relax the mind and body, improve energy levels and elevate mood. Start with 10 slow, deep breaths and work your way up to 10 minutes.
Practice Gratitude. Create a list of things you are grateful for. Keeping a daily log of things you are grateful for is a great way to reconnect and put reality into perspective. This helps you focus on what really matters.
Set time aside for meditation. Meditation can renew your sense of calm, allowing a new perspective on stressful situations and help reduce negative emotions.
Stretching. When you stretch, blood flow increases to the brain and throughout your body and in turn can help boost your mood, help manage stress levels, and reduce pain. Consider adding 15-minutes of stretching to your daily routine.
As you embark on your new journey, I hope you consider building these three tips in as a part of your foundation to health and wellness. These are all things you can immediately incorporate into your lifestyle for free with minimal to no-risk at all.
Strive Body and Thrive!
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